Thursday, March 30, 2006

Spring Bulbs

The weather warmed up into the upper 60s today, and the spring bulbs are starting to come on strong.

The crocus flowers are starting to lose their petals.

The spring iris bulbs are at their peak,

and the narcissus, hyacinth and tulips are ready to burst forth.


  1. Oh, those crocus and iris are beautiful!

    I tried hyacinths, crocus, and tulips when I lived in central Georgia and they did fine the first year, poorly the second year, and that was it. Winters down there weren't cold enough for them to have a decent dormant spell, I suppose.

    Your photos make me want to go buy bulbs. But I've spent a fortune establishing a garden this year. Bulbs will have to wait.

    Gosh, though, those iris. Wow.

  2. I've enjoyed catching up a bit on your blog this morning. It's been fun :) The crocus and iris are so lovely. I've never thought to grow spring iris. Hmmm. Loved the post about your dog. Good luck with the training! I'll show my husband your posts about the cold frame. He'll be very interested to read about the vent. Lucky you to have lettuce! Looks wonderful!
