Thursday, February 16, 2006

Reaping More Than I Sow

Here are some of my seedlings. They're just getting started. Most only still have their seed leaves. With some luck and the cooperation of nature, I'll be reaping a harvest like the picture I took below on July 28th of my harvest that day.
It's so nice to harvest fresh and tasty healthy vegetables. No store-bought tomato comes anywhere close in taste to those I grow myself. However that is not the only reason I garden. I garden because I enjoy it, and it gives me great pleasure. A little research tells me that gardening is the number one hobby in my country, America, so I guess I'm not alone. We are no longer an agrarian society, but it seems that millions of us as individuals can not leave our agrarian roots behind. I think that is a good thing.


  1. This will be my first year for starting seeds indoors. You're a little ahead of me - I'll start my seeds next week. I'll be watching your progress, so I can hopefully have a hint of what to expect.

    The photo of the July harvest literally made my mouth water. Such vibrant colors. So fresh... I can almost smell the vegetables.

  2. I'm probably jumping the gun a little on the seeds and may have started them a little early for my zone 6, but we've had so much spring like weather here in Massachusetts this year that it seems like spring is just around the corner. Last sunday we had a blizzard with 18 inches of snow and then this week it was in the 60s and all the snow melted. One minute it feels like spring the next it's snowing. All in all it's been a mild winter so far here.
