Today I just want to let people in the Boston area know that Codman Community Farm in Lincoln Massachusetts will be running a class this spring on raising backyard chickens. This will be a great opportunity for people who want to raise their own chickens or just find out what's involved. I've included a description of the class here. Probably most people will be interested in raising laying hens, but it will also include raising broilers.
Please pass the info on to anyone who may be interested.
- Backyard Chickens Class - at Codman Community Farm
This class covers the basics of keeping a small flock of laying hens or broilers in your back yard. Topics include nutrition, housing, regulations, health and behavior. We will also discuss the various breeds of poultry available and observe some of them here at the farm. You will leave the class with a good sense of what is involved in successfully raising either layer or broiler chickens. For those who wish to attend, there will also be an optional 4th meeting in September where the instructors will demonstrate the butchering and dressing of poultry.
Class members will have the opportunity to participate in a group purchase of chicks from the Murray McMurray Hatchery.
Codman Community Farm, 58 Codman Road, Lincoln MA 01773
Saturday, April 7th 1:00-2:30 pm
Saturday, May 12th 1:00-2:30 pm
Saturday, June 2nd 1:00-2:30 pm
Saturday, September 22nd 9:00-11:00 (optional)
Heidi Tafel, Farm Manager, Codman Farm
Joan Teebagy, Volunteer, Codman Farm
$60 Codman Community Farm Members
$80 Non-Members
Mail registration and check to Codman Community Farms, 58 Codman Road, Lincoln, MA 01773. Questions? Call 781-259-0456 or email codmanfarm@comcast.net.
Name: _______________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________
Phone: ________________ Email: _________________________
Your students should check out a new website that has great plans for building a mobile backyard coop. http://www.ubuilderplans.com