Monday, January 29, 2007

Chicken Tractor Step 2

One of the future occupants of the new chicken tractor, a Welsummer hen

I’m continuing to build the new chicken tractor, egg mobile, mobile coop or whatever it's called I started it last week. Finally, I finally found the 1x2 inch wire for the floor. It took 7 places, but I found some at Masse Hardware in Cambridge MA. I stapled the wire onto the bottom frame. Then I screwed the plywood onto the top frame. Then because the top frame was too heavy to carry outside, I unscrewed the plywood. That’s one reason I like screws better than nails. They are easier to undo. Because any further work will make the tractor to big to carry out the cellar door, I moved the project out to the garage. It’s a little awkward for one person to maneuver, but with a couple of sawhorses and some blocks I think I may manage. I’ve screwed the upright supports to one side of the bottom. The next step will screw them to the top frame which is actually the bottom in the photos and screw on the sides. After I do this to the other side, I should be able to remove all the sawhorses and blocks and will end up the tractor frame upside down. Probably there is a much easier way to do all this, but I’ll only figure it out after the fact.

The first side. It's not screwed on yet. It's just proped up for the photo.

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